Why crash bars shouldn’t be neglected?
Основное предназначение engine guard — прием основных повреждений при легких и тяжелых падениях. То есть, если без защиты пострадают основные узлы мотоцикла, то с ней ремонт обойдется значительно значительно дешевле, а может быть потребуется заменить только саму защиту.
The main purpose of the engine guard is taking main damage by different falls. So, if without special protection main motorcycle units will be damaged, repairing in case you had it would be much cheaper – or maybe, you would have to just change the protection only.
Of big importance is also the fact, that motorcycle engine bars integrate in model’s construction of the brand “Triumph” perfectly: our designers-constructors took care of optimal combining maximal safety with design.
Our company is engaged in development of own product and manufacturing of the best motorbike engine crash bars. That’s why we can guarantee safety of the units, that are being protected.
For our customers we guarantee best prices and quick order handling. We send the purchase to any country in the way, which is most comfortable for you. Also we are ready to provide you with professional consultations. We are waiting for your applications!